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Your easy guide to Property Conveyancing

Your easy guide to Property Conveyancing

In this easy to follow Quick Property Sale guide, we layout what is involved in purchasing a property. With almost 1 in 4 of property purchases on average falling through nationally every year – it can be a stressful and uncertain journey. What is Conveyancing?...
What happens to your home during a divorce?

What happens to your home during a divorce?

Are you in the throes of a divorce or heading towards an unfortunate separation? You are not alone, according to the ONS in England and Wales (survey 2024) an estimated 42% of marriages end in a divorce. For many couples and families, the biggest asset involved in...
Filing for divorce, does it mean I lose my home?

Filing for divorce, does it mean I lose my home?

Continuing with our ‘Blog Bits’ in this episode we discuss ‘Filing for a divorce, does it mean I could lose my home?’ During a divorce or dissolving a civil partnership you should protect your right to the family home. Filing for a divorce does not mean you lose your...
Wondering about divorcing or separating?

Wondering about divorcing or separating?

Wondering about divorcing or separating? if you are, then you have some tough decisions to make. No one plans a separation or divorce but, unfortunately, it happens. Relationships fall apart and we end up going in different directions. The dictionary describes either...
After Separation – What Now?

After Separation – What Now?

In a series of QPS Blogs, one titled “What happens to children during a divorce” – we continue with the same theme in this episode. When you separate from your spouse or partner, there are lots of things you need to decide on. Including how the properties should...
What happens to children during a divorce?

What happens to children during a divorce?

When divorce and separation is the only outcome for you and your partner, this can have a detrimental impact and affect on children. For any child under the age of 18 and living in the family home, their welfare is considered paramount in the eyes of any court of law...