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Blog Bits
Here is our Blog Bits page, we hope you find these articles helpful:
Property tips, trends and insights for home owners and sellers.
What is property equity release?
What is property equity release? Firstly, we need to ask ourselves what is property equity? Equity is the share of your home that you own outright. You can calculate how much equity you have by deducting your remaining mortgage debt from the property’s value. For example, if the property is worth £200,000 and the outstanding…...
Read MoreRepossession Hearings at a County Court
Repossession Hearings at a County Court In this series of Quick Property Sale blog articles we are going to throw in the odd info fact sheet, which could be of help to property owners who are struggling with mortgage payments. Stopping Repossession Hearing via an Emergency Hearing using a N244 Form The County Court is…...
Read MoreWhy isn’t my home selling? And what to do about it
In life everyone who experiences home ownership will at some point decide to move on or have to relocate for all sorts of reasons, too many to mention here. When you put your property on the open market, you are likely to anticipate a few viewings, maybe receive an offer and possibly a quick property…...
Read MoreVoluntary Property Repossession Explained
What is a voluntary repossession? Quite simply – voluntary repossession is the process of stopping your mortgage payments, moving out of your property and voluntarily giving the keys back to your mortgage lender in consideration for what you owe. This may sound easy but it’s not quite as simple as that and the side effects…...
Read MoreYour easy guide to Property Conveyancing
In this easy to follow Quick Property Sale guide, we...
What happens to your home during a divorce?
Are you in the throes of a divorce or heading...
Filing for divorce, does it mean I lose my home?
Continuing with our ‘Blog Bits’ in this episode we discuss...
Wondering about divorcing or separating?
Wondering about divorcing or separating? if you are, then you...
After Separation – What Now?
In a series of QPS Blogs, one titled “What happens...
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